In order to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) laws we are required to gain specific acknowlegement for the recording of your personal information. This is the information that you supply when registering with the Scout Association as a member.
The Scout Association is the regulated Data Controller for the UK, but each Scout group is also required to identify a Data Controller.
1st Emsworth Scouts has identified the Executive Committee as the responsible body to oversee the adherence to Data Protection principles.
Systems in place
The current data about you or your child is held in 3 main areas.
- OnlineScoutManager – OSM – used by all sections to record badges, attendance, medical conditions, age , contact details.
- CAF Bank/ Go Cardless -for your subscriptions
- Scout Association – Compass system (for leaders and helpers)
All of these systems have been identified as conforming to the new regulations and their terms and conditions are available on request.
- In addition to this, we hold a Google Drive account for the Scout Group. This holds copies of activity photographs over the years as an archive. This is viewable by all members of our Scout Group. No names are associated with the images. Consent for these photographs is granted or declined when you register with the group.
- Section leaders will routinely download paper copies of your contact information (from OSM) when away from the hut so that emergency contact may be made.
The Group web site ( does not hold any personal information and is used for information only.
Consent is given by the acceptance of an offer for a place in our group.
The Right to be Forgotten
When a member leaves the group or transfer to another Group, the existing information is archived for up to 7 years and is no longer generally accessible, but can be retrieved if required.
If you require specific deletion of your record then please apply in writing via the Group Scout Leader.